一、 主要研究方向
二、 主要科研成果(已完成的重要科研项目、发明专利、科研或教学获奖)(不超过10个)
1、 京津冀平原区粮食作物适水种植模式的耗水、产量与效应评估(41807157),国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2019.01-2021.12,25万元,参与;
2、 华北平原不同作物种植模式耗水量与产量模拟及优化研究(41401104),国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2015.01-2017.12,26万元,参与;
3、 我国北方地区农田耗水多尺度观测与模拟研究(KSCX2-EW-J5),中国科学院创新领域重点项目课题,2011.01-2013.12,200万元,参与;
4、 气候变化对西北干旱区水循环影响机理与水资源安全研究(2010CB951003),国家973计划项目课题,2010.06-2014.12,241万元,参与;
5、 新疆山区蒸散量遥感反演与径流形成影响研究(KZZD-EW-12-1),中国科学院重点部署项目课题,2013.10-2016.12,80万元,参与;
6、 黑河流域绿洲农业水转化多过程耦合与高效用水调控(91425302),国家自然科学基金,2015.01-2018.12,70万,参与。
三、 代表性论文及著作(不超过10篇)
1、 Xingran Liu, Jing Zhang, Haiming Yan, et al. Estimation of the surface net radiation under clear-sky conditions in areas with complex terrain: a case study in Haihe River Basin[J]. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022(10): 935250.
2、 Xingran Liu, Yanjun Shen. Quantification of the impacts of climate change and human agricultural activities on oasis water requirements in an arid region: a case study of the Heihe River basin, China. Earth System Dynamics, 2018, 9:211-225.
3、 Xingran Liu, Yanjun Shen, Hongjun Li, Ying Guo, Hongwei Pei, Wei Dong. Estimation of land surface evapotranspiration over complex terrain based on multi-spectral remote sensing data. Hydrological Processes, 2017, 31(2): 446-461.
4、 Xingran Liu, Yanjun Shen, Ying Guo, Shuo Li, Bin Guo. Modeling demand/supply of water resources in the arid region of northwestern China during the late 1980s to 2010. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(5): 573-591.
5、 Hongwei Pei, Leilei Min, Yongqing Qi, Xingran Liu, Yanjun Shen, Changming Liu. Impacts of varied irrigation on field water budegts and crop yields in the North China Plain: Rainfed vs. irrigated double cropping system. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 190: 42-54.
6、 刘兴冉, 张宏晔, 闫海明, 等. 区域复杂地形晴日太阳辐射估算研究[J].太阳能学报, 2022, 43(8): 174-180.
7、 刘兴冉, 沈彦俊. AquaCrop模型在华北平原夏玉米水分研究中的应用. 农业现代化研究, 2014, 35(3): 371-375.
8、 吴林,刘兴冉,闵雷雷,沈彦俊,刘峰贵,周晓旭. 黑河中游绿洲区玉米冠层阻抗的环境响应及模拟. 中国生态农业学报,2017,25(2): 247-257.
9、 陈睿,赵超,刘兴冉,郭英,沈彦俊. 基于多源卫星数据的黑河中游绿洲区土地利用分类与作物类型提取及其时空变化分析, 中国生态农业学报,2018, 26(9): 1415-1422.
1. Ruopu Li, Andrea Monti. Land Allocation for Biomass Crops: Challenges and Opportunities with Changing Land Use // Yucui Zhang, Qiaoli Hu, Dengpan Xiao, Xingran Liu, and Yanjun Shen. Spatial-Temporal Change of Agricultural Biomass and Carbon Capture Capability in the Mid-South of Hebei Province. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature, 2018:159-187.